Healing  you at a cellular level

Personal Healing.

I think everyone will agree, as  well as working on our ‘external' environment - it is also important to do some work within.

A wonderful way to help shift unwanted thinking patterns and old energy that has become  trapped within us at cellualr level is to work with the healing power of flowers.
Whatever your issues, we can advise the appropriate flower energy and connect it to you vibrationally. This provides a gentle constant flow of  healing energy within you that has a surprisingly powerful and lasting effect.

How does this work?

Using Scared Geometry we connect the vibrational frequency of the flower needed with your personal energy.  As you come together it has a profound  healing effect. Clients always remark on how for a few days the old energy seems to come to the fore and then just go. That’s because flower vibrations have the capacity to help heal our emotions. Whatever issue you are struggling with there is a vibrational remedy can really help.