All matter vibrates as a particular frequency. We have a human frequency, the earth has a frequency, wood has it’s own frequency ...Literally everything has its own frequency. So it stands to reason that the law of vibration is of course the basis of the law of Attraction.
So it’s important that the energy or vibrational in the home that we sleep, eat, rest, and recuperate in is resonating at the optimum frequency for our well being. This applies equally in the workplace.
Negative frequencies in our environment have all sorts of impacts in our lives from feeling frustrated or stressed all the time to not being able to sleep well or prosper to our full potential. Obviously this isn’t the only factor that effects us but it is understood that out environment does definitely impact on our mood.
We specialise in seeking out problems at the quantum level by dowsing through an extensive list of possible factors that are effective you, and each member of your family where applicable. Due to the planetary alignment at our birth some things effect some people differently, which is why we always work on a case by case basis.
Having identified the problems we create new frequencies for you to override the negative ones. Their effects can usually be felt immediately and build over 30 days. If there is a very big issue we recommend the new frequency is created once on each ruling planet for everyday of the week.