The placement of objects, the colours we choose and the symbols we display in our artwork, photographs and ornaments all have a surprising impact on our lives.
They are often a reflection of our internal world. A pile of paperwork overflowing on a table can be the reflection of the muddle in our minds, the images on our walls can reflect our innermost feelings and the objects around us that cause yet more blocks in the energy are often symbolic of the blockages within our being.
Feng Shui teachings tell us about the preferred elements for each direction of the house, and therefore the colours and objects that create the most harmony in that space.
Upon request we advise you on how to help harmonise your space with correct colour, placement and symbolism for each area of the Pakua.
To give you a quick example, The Southwest symbolises Love, Marriage and Relationship luck, so if you are looking for love you wouldn’t want to place a picture of a single individual here, or keep a single goldfish. Rather you would place the appropriate symbols for love and marriage. This when done with intention shows a road map around you of how you would like your future to evolve and can have a powerful effect.
In addition we look for things that cause real problems like over head beams and stairs that lead all the way to the front door and advise you how to over them with cures